中国原子能科学研究院创建于1950年,隶属于中国核工业集团有限公司,是我国核科学技术的发祥地和基础性、前瞻性、先导性、工程性核科研综合基地。自建院以来,形成了核物理、核化学与放射化学、核反应堆工程技术、加速器技术、核探测器技术、 同位素技术、核安全、电离辐射计量、核燃料循环、新能源新材料等学科领域,开发出了以同位素、加速器、核安保为主导的一批高新技术和产品,在国家核科技创新体系中发挥重要作用。
Founded in 1950, China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE) is a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). It is the birthplace of China's nuclear science and technology, and has grown into a leading base of nuclear science and technology in China, conducting both forward-looking research of nuclear science and pioneering development of nuclear engineering. Since the foundation, CIAE has established comprehensive disciplines of nuclear science and technology, including mainly nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, nuclear reactor, accelerator, nuclear detection, isotope, nuclear safety, radiation dosimetry, nuclear fuel cycle, and new energy and new materials. CIAE has developed series of high and new technologies and/or products featured by isotope, accelerator and nuclear safety. It is playing an important role in the national innovation system of nuclear science and technology.
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邮箱:cnea@org-cnea.cn 京ICP备16008721号-2